"EL LIBRO" de MetaSploit Framework

martes, 12 de julio de 2011

Esto es para que disfruten los pentester y los nuevos ethicals que quieran comenzar a utilizar este “Increíble” framework de trabajo… bueno les dejo la noticia recién salida del horno…

Offensive Security is happy to announce the availability of Metasploit, The Penetration Tester’s Guide – A new book by by Dave Kennedy (ReL1K), Devon Kearns (dookie), Jim O’Gorman (_Elwood_), and Mati Aharoni (muts). The book is released through No Starch Press and will begin appearing on store shelves July 19.

The goals of the book are to provide a single point of reference for the Metasploit Framework which doesn’t quickly become outdated and to provide an in depth resource for penetration testers who wish to understand the Framework inside out. The book covers everything from Metasploit basics to fuzzing, exploit development, custom module creation, writing post exploitation modules and meterpreter kung-fu.

Learn how to:
·  Find and exploit unmaintained, misconfigured, and unpatched systems
·  Perform reconnaissance and find valuable information about your target
·  Bypass anti-virus technologies and circumvent security controls
·  Integrate Nmap, NeXpose, and Nessus with Metasploit to automate discovery
·  Use the Meterpreter shell to launch further attacks from inside the network
·  Harness standalone Metasploit utilities, third-party tools, and plug-ins
·  Learn how to write your own Meterpreter post exploitation modules and scripts

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Absolute Basics of Penetration Testing
Chapter 2: Metasploit Basics
Chapter 3: Intelligence Gathering
Chapter 4: Vulnerability Scanning
Chapter 5: The Joy of Exploitation
Chapter 6: Meterpreter
Chapter 7: Avoiding Detection
Chapter 8: Exploitation Using Client-side Attacks
Chapter 9: Metasploit Auxiliary Modules
Chapter 10: The Social-Engineer Toolkit
Chapter 11: Fast-Track
Chapter 13: Building Your Own Module
Chapter 14: Creating Your Own Exploits
Chapter 15: Porting Exploits to the Metasploit Framework
Chapter 16: Meterpreter Scripting
Chapter 17: Simulated Penetration Test
Appendix A: Configuring Your Target Machines
Appendix B: Cheat Sheet



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